Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Timidouwa at the Solidarity Market

The association Timidouwa AmitiƩ Niger, our partner in France was present at the Solidarity Market, on November 18, 2006, that took place Place d'Italie, in Paris.

The Timidouwa team had a booth about Niger and the projects of Tagaste.

Mathilde B. had a huge success with her Tuareg tea!

The projects of Association Timidouwa:

"We are also planning to participate in the Internationale Solidarity week of La Sorbonne, at Clignancourt.
We are hoping to sell Nigerien craftmanship and Tuareg jewelry for Christmas. Most of the sales' benefits will go to the school of Fak.
Least but not last, after a meeting with a History and Geography teacher at the Magnanville high school, who invited us to present Niger and the activities of our association to one of his classes, we are planning to organize more presentations in schools and high schools..."

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