Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Little herd - Big herd

Remember them? The 12 ewes bought in October 2005 thanks to the donations of our friends in New York...

At the time we had planned to distribute them to nomadic families who had lost most of their animals, but the plans have changed. As a matter of fact, we have decided to gather a herd for the NGO. The herd will allow us to distribute sheep not only once, but every year.

So, the herd is doing well.
It now amounts to 22 sheeps,
out of which 10 are cute little lambs!

we will dsitribute 8 of the 10 lambs next year to women's groups; and the remaining 2 will take part of the Tagaste herd...

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Opening of the school of Fak

Since November 13 2006 the primary school of Fak is open.

We wish to thak our partners:
Sunflower Children (USA)
Batimat (Niger)
Association Timidouwa (France)

and all our friends
who have contributed, through their donations,
to the project’s success.

Meeting with Hawad

23-25 November, 2006

During the cultural evenings on the theme of Tuareg poetry, organized by Hawad and his wife in Agadez, Youssouf has debated with the famous Tuareg poet/painter/calligrapher.

The future of the young Tuaregs, modernity, adaptation to the profound changes of the society and the new definition of Targuité are among the themes that were debated.

Tamaya reacts to the danger of plastic refuse

The community and in particular the women of Tamaya reacted positively to the radio broadcast about the plastic refuses.
A few weeks ago, when Youssouf was visiting the village, several groups pf people came to him with questions about the dangers of plastic refuse.

Our first radio program about environmental concerns, broadcasted on the community radio’s waves since October, has thus been a success.

As a matter of fact, after several weeks of broadcasting, a debate has born among the Tamaya community and the population has raised many questions about the management of plastic refuse.

As an answer, Youssouf has recorded a second radio program, in order to clarify the issues raised by the population.

We are currently looking for partners to help us in our mission of conscientization, prevention and management of plastic refuse and garbage.
We are planning to organize cleaning teams in the village, to install waste containers in the streets and manage the garbage adequately.

A big village debate about waste management will be organized soon.

Timidouwa at the Solidarity Market

The association Timidouwa Amitié Niger, our partner in France was present at the Solidarity Market, on November 18, 2006, that took place Place d'Italie, in Paris.

The Timidouwa team had a booth about Niger and the projects of Tagaste.

Mathilde B. had a huge success with her Tuareg tea!

The projects of Association Timidouwa:

"We are also planning to participate in the Internationale Solidarity week of La Sorbonne, at Clignancourt.
We are hoping to sell Nigerien craftmanship and Tuareg jewelry for Christmas. Most of the sales' benefits will go to the school of Fak.
Least but not last, after a meeting with a History and Geography teacher at the Magnanville high school, who invited us to present Niger and the activities of our association to one of his classes, we are planning to organize more presentations in schools and high schools..."